Passwords and Quantum Computers

For several years researchers warned public that about 600 qubit quantum computers with modern algorithms can break encryption. See

In these years some researchers claimed that they can break encryption with 372 qubit quantum computers. See

A 160 bit elliptic curve cryptographic key could be broken on a quantum computer using around 1000 qubits while factoring the security-wise equivalent 1024 bit RSA modulus would require about 2000 qubits.

According to Microsoft experts, 2330 qubits and 1.26*10 11 (~2 36 ) operations are required for the restoration ofan ECDSA 256-bits private key

IBM currently has 433 qubit quantum computer. See

In 2023 IBM will have 1000 qubit quantum computer. See

In 2025 IBM will have 4000 qubit quantum computer. See

D-Wave’s next big quantum annealing computer – Advantage2 – is on schedule for launch in the 2023/24 timeframe. Advantage2 will feature 7000-plus qubits!!!!!

In 2030 IBM will have 1,000,000 qubit quantum computer.

Fujitsu and QIQB Achieve Quantum Advantage Advance, Cutting 5-Year Classical Computation to 10 Hours with 60,000 Qubits

New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer

Portable quantum computers are available for educational purposes

Even so experts disagree on ability of 372 qubit quantum computers to break encryption, they all agree that more powerful quantum computers can do it. This means that all technologies based on the current cryptographic algorithms will be useless, including passwords in encrypted files, crypto currencies, etc.

Is your business ready for the era of quantum computers?

Dynamical passwords are not stored in any place, they do not depend on encryption algorithms, therefore they are ready for the era of quantum computers. In addition to better security they offer simplification of passwords management and changes of multiple passwords for multiple accounts.

IBMs 1,121 qubits quantum computer will be able to break 99% of today's blockchain platforms and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, Ripple, Polkadot, etc. Source"

Fujitsu and Riken research institute, Japanese tech multinationals are expected to jointly launch a potential Bitcoin-beating quantum computer to companies in 2023. Source

"There is a very real possibility that quantum supremacy and the quantum crypto break have already happened within a private entity and the rest of the public world simply does not know about it. It is generally believed that if a major country’s government was able to obtain quantum supremacy and, in particular, perform the quantum crypto break first, they would have every incentive to keep the accomplishments silent."

Source: Cryptography Apocalypse: Preparing for the Day When Quantum Computing Breaks Today's Crypto, Roger A. Grimes, 2019

"Chinese researchers, who hold over half of the world's quantum technology patents and have allocated $15 billion towards quantum technology to be spent before 2025, claim their technology can break the RSA algorithm that is used to encrypt the majority of the web’s traffic."
Source: BTQ Prepares Today to Defend Against Tomorrow’s Quantum-Computing Threat

How close we are to the Q-day?

“NSA reports that practical quantum computing tools are only about 3 to 5 years out from workforce use…” Source:

“ The anticipated timeline for this event, known as "Q-Day" or "Y2Q," ranges from 2025 to 2035” Source:

Google's Sycamore quantum computer chip can now outperform the fastest supercomputers

Quantum computing is coming – are you ready?

D-Wave Achieves Significant Milestone with Calibration of 4,400+ Qubit Advantage2 Processor

Microsoft & Atom Computing Offer Commercial Quantum Machine with Largest Number of Entangled Logical Qubits on Record

China Unveils Record-breaking 504-qubit Superconducting Quantum Computer;
IonQ Unveils Its First Quantum Computer in Europe, which is capable of considering more than 68 billion different possibilities simultaneously.

A simple way to estimate when quantum computers will be able to break all modern (not post quantum) encryption algorithms

Quantum Encryption Replacement Algorithm Hacked by AI

‘Post-Quantum’ Cryptography Scheme Is Cracked on a Laptop

If all pre-quantum and some post-quantum encryption algorithms can be cracked how secure are your passwords and private keys, which are stored in encrypted files?